Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Top 8 Home Remedies to Combat Illnesses

It is that time of year again! All the common winter season illnesses have decided to come out and play in FULL force. Below are 8 easy home remedies to help the entire family stay healthy and help relieve symptoms if they do get sick. These are remedies that I use in my own home to keep the grimy, common illnesses at bay.  

1.      Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple Cider Vinegar’s powers are truly miraculous reaching beyond just winter  cold/flu season remedies. For winter season specifically, one tablespoon in the morning before eating keeps illness from sneaking up on you. This can be accomplished with just one tablespoon of ACV a day BEFORE eating either in tea or on its own. I use to utilize ACV only when I got sick and it would help to lessen the symptoms and recover faster. Then a friend told me recently that to keep from getting sick all together, I should use it at least once a day on an empty stomach. Since then, I have not been sick regardless if people are sick around me. This is HUGE considering I have a very weak immune system. It is even safe to give to your kids over 2 years old!

Personal Recipe:
  • 8 oz. Warm Water
  • 1 tea bag of BIGELOW Lemon Ginger Tea/Green Tea
  • 1 tbsp. ACV
  • Touch of Raw Honey for sweetness
            *** Do not give honey to children under the age of 2.
            **I typically let my tea steep for at least 4-6 minutes.

2.     Lemon Water

Like ACV, lemon water has healing powers far beyond just combating common illnesses. With lemons being rich in vitamins C and flavonoids, this block infections and phytonutrient hesperetin helps to alleviate allergy symptoms.  It is one of my favorites to use for my son who suffers from chronic allergies all year long. I mix a tablespoon of honey into warm or cold water to create my son his own lemonade recipe.

Personal Recipe:
  • 8 oz. Warm/Cold Water
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 tbsp. Raw Honey
  • 1 tbsp. ACV (optional for extra strength)
Just cut the lemon in half and squeeze the lemon (I have a glass lemon juicer squeezer I used).   Next, pour the lemon juice in a small bowl and add in the raw honey. Make sure the honey is completely dissolved and mixed in with the freshly squeezed lemon juice. The ACV is optional but I add it when my son starts to display any sick symptoms as preventive care.

3.     Eucalyptus Oil

This is by far one of my top favorite essential oils! Besides smelling incredible, eucalyptus oil is known to help with cold and upper respiratory infection symptoms as well as treating sinusitis and other allergy issues. I personally find it smoothing and is a fragrance I typically diffuse in my bedroom for relaxation.

Personal Recipe:
  • For everyday use: 1-2 drops on pillow
  • For treating symptoms: 2-3 drops on chest and bottom of feet
  • For acute situations: 1 bowl, 1 cup boiling water, 10 drops eucalyptus oil
Place the boiling water and eucalyptus oil in the bowl. Then place a towel over your head and inhale deeply for 5-10 minutes.
4.     Raw Honey

Raw honey has natural antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties that fight against viral, bacterial, and fungus infections which helps relieve cold/flu symptoms. In our home, we use just plain raw honey to soothe a sore throat and reduce coughing. It is also a great chaser to use if taking a straight tablespoon of ACV. With children over 2 years old, this is a great, effective natural remedy they will love!

Personal Recipe:       
  • 1 tbsp. Raw Honey
5.     Turmeric

The “Queen Spice” is another common name for Turmeric. This is due to its MANY powers which range from an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, and antimutagenic. I love using it to alleviate headaches and sinus pressure pain. It is also has numerous healthy nutrients such as Vitamin C, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, dietary fiber, niacin, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, magnesium and protein. It is a very powerful spice that packs a punch to even help strengthen the immune system. It is truly magical!

Personal Recipe:       
  • 1 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 8 oz. Warm Tea
  • 1 tbsp. Raw Honey
    • some people put it in warm milk with no honey
6.     Salt Water

Gargling salt is one of the most effective ways to temporarily relieve a sore throat! The second I feel a sore or scratchy throat coming on I gargle immediately. Depending on the severity of the soreness, I gargle up to 4 times a day.  This helps to kill bacteria or viral infections and has anti-inflammatory effects to help soothe the throat; even the Greek’s used this remedy over 5000 years ago! However, I do not recommend this for young children under the age of 6 or 7 years old.

Personal Recipe:    
  • 8 oz. Warm Water
  • Around 1/2 teaspoon Salt
7.      Hydrogen Peroxide

This is my favorite remedy to prevent and heal mild ear pain/infections.  It feels kind of funny, but let it set in the each ear for at least 10 minutes, but no longer than 20 minutes twice a day. When using it yourself, it is time to turn over to the other ear when the fizzling starts to completely die out. It can also be used to clean out your ears as well. I pour the Hydrogen Peroxide in its own cap then use a Q-tip to drop the peroxide drops into my ear/my son's ear. It is important not to contaminate the bottle or it will lessen the potency and effectiveness of the entire bottle of peroxide.

Personal Recipe:       
  • 1 Q-Tip
  • 2-3 drops 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Towel (to lie head on)
  • Cotton balls (to put in ear for draining)

*** Caution: There are instances when peroxide should not be used to include severe ear pain, flow of discharge from or fluid from the ears, and temporal deafness.  In these cases, you should consult your doctor.

** Also, if you have sensitive skin, I do not recommend using this chemical ingredient in your ears since it may cause severe skin itching and allergies.

8.     Hot Shower/Bath

Steam!!!  Many websites talk about holding your face over a boiling pot of water or utilize a humidifier. But honestly, I do not want my head directly over boiling water and humidifiers have never worked for me or my son. So my trick? Create a steam room effect in your bathroom by closing door and turning on the shower at hottest level tolerable (please do not burn yourself). Also, do not turn on the bath vent to allow for it to steam up effectively. This is great for infants and small children to help loosen stuffiness for them to breathe. I still use this trick today with my son- close the door and turn the shower on hottest setting while we sit on the toilet, rock and I sing to him. For myself, I typically take a long, hot bath and soak my face in the water while breathing out to create nose bubbles. Sounds funny I know, but it works for me to temporarily relieve sinus pain, stuffiness, and congestion.

Personal Recipe:     
  • Take a steamy, hot bath
  • Soak in bath for at least 30 minutes
  • During the 30 mins, place face in the water a few times
  • Blow bubbles while face is in the water
***Extra natural remedy tip! Cinnamon- add ½ teaspoon to any drink or with your plain, raw honey for extra strength. Cinnamon also has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious powers!
Last but not least, I am always ensuring everyone is continuously washing their hands and I Lysol everything! I am be a little germophobic during this lovely season.
To find out my BIGGEST SECRET to staying healthy- send me an email to heather@mindisuniverse.com 
Have a Blessed and Healthy Day!

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Some I have used for years but the rest I didn't know. Thank you.
