Friday, December 23, 2016

Yoga :: Mind is Key

I’d like to apologize, first, for being absent most of this month. Many changes are taking place within our home. Finalizing wedding details, preparation for moving, started homeschooling our 4 year old… what is not changing is the better question! That’s life and I feel so blessed. But, most importantly, while in the mist of chaos, I still found the time for me (self-care keeps us centered).  I do not think I would have made it through without it! I promise those tricks I shared back in the post called, “Taking Control – Self-Transformation” really are a godsend!

The newest venture I have dived into is Yoga. I have been doing yoga for 13 days as of today; I consider myself a new yogi.  In the past, I have taken yoga classes through dance studios or gyms, but yoga is not just a class.  Yoga is more than physical exercise, which can be forgotten easily. Yoga connects your mind, body, spirit and soul all in an instant. I have always known that practicing yoga on a regular basis has remarkable healing powers.  I found an app called Down Dog that’s incredible! The free version allows you to choose the sequence type, the level of difficulty, and the length of the session. It is a very soothing, guided session to allow you the ability to yoga anywhere!  I also have a pin board dedicated to Yoga on Pinterest called Yoga Everyday that provides great information, short routines, stretches, and yoga poses.  Feel free to check them out!

So while I have been practicing yoga, I started reading about yoga to understand the theory, practice, and application. During my research, I discovered that yoga is a missing link between metaphysics and physics.  The "main goal of yoga is freedom of the spirit from the fetters of material desires and permanent victory of consciousness over ignorance,” (Mishra).  Yoga is beyond religion. Yoga is beyond science.  Yoga is a ‘great state’ where anything is possible. The primary key to this state is the MIND.  

Ever heard of the Power of Suggestion? Many have heard of the Law of Attraction and even read or seen “The Secret” on the Law of Attraction. However, the TRUE SECRET is the Power of Suggestion.  What if I told you that the entire Universe is nothing but suggestion?  Think about it for a moment. How do you move your body? A thought developed in your mind. Do you believe your child can sense when you are angry or sad? You send a sensory suggestion to your child. This is how they first learn what sadness, love and anger are through suggestion. Do you make gestures while at work? Who hasn’t thrown their face in their hands at least once and just shook their head silently. What does this gesture suggest? The person is fed up, irritated, overwhelmed… endless suggestions manifest from a gesture sent out to the Universe and others around you. The power of suggestion is the greatest power of nature operating in every living and nonliving aspect of life. Suggestion, or dhyana, is one of the eight systems of Yoga, and it is paramount in practice.

There are six forms of suggestion: Physical Suggestion, Suggestion of Senses, Verbal Suggestion, Mental Suggestion, Environmental Suggestion and Autosuggestion. Mental Suggestion is the most powerful of them all and mental power is the foundation of all suggestion. How? Do we ever stop thinking? We still think even when we are sleeping! We dream. Your body cannot function without mental suggestion.  As humans, we practice the power of suggestion at a very young age; being able to roll over, to crawl, to walk, to talk and so on.  As adults, the power of suggestion becomes second nature that we have forgotten its power and full potential.  No one speaks a word or makes a gesture without it being the result of a thought. The power of the mind is truly undervalued and disregarded.

Even energy is created from the mind and controlled by the mind.  Thus, the energy you create from mental suggestion will attract similar enegry (Law of Attraction). There is no greater force in the universe than mental suggestion. Beginning to see why keeping a positive mindset is so crucial?  Also, Mind is matter and all material things are only an expression of the mind. Art. Buildings. Clothes. “Mind is universe and universe is manifestation of Universal Mind,” (Mishra).  This is exactly how the Power of Suggestion is tied directly to the Eternal Laws and the Law of Attraction; yet transcends beyond them. Yoga, in its purest form, is a mastery of the mind.

Although it has been only a short time since I have started practicing yoga, it has most definitely already made a huge impact in my life.  For now, I am studying and watching the changes closely to share later on down the road.  What I will share is that, during this time, I began researching how Humira (my Crohn’s medication) works, then researched holistic approaches that could accomplish how Humira controls Crohn’s. I found endless results, but the ones that really stood out to me were- positivity, meditation, and yoga. Jackpot! This just reaffirmed that my health and wellness journey is on the right path! 

Lastly, before we part, the Winter Solstice has arrived! The beginning of new light and rebirth. The days will slowly become longer and the nights shorter. Many mark this as the beginning of the Winter Season. Others, it is a holiday called Yule.  Regardless, I hope everyone’s time is merry!  The season of New Year’s resolutions has officially begun!  What are your goals and aspirations for 2017? Comment below!

Nothing is impossible; the word itself says I’m possible. -Unknown

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