Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My Reason for Blogging

The first thought likely coming to your mind is, “What does she mean by ‘Mind Is Universe’?” In my future posts I will be answering this question. But for now, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and why I decided to scribe this blog.
First off, I am a mom, fiancée, entrepreneur, veteran and grad student. I try everyday to be the ideal role model for my child and live everyday to the fullest in a positive state of mind. If I told you this was easy, that would be a lie. Though, nothing worth it is ever easy; which if something is easy it is likely not the right solution 90% of the time. Never giving up and fighting for what you believe in is a must in order to stay true to yourself.  I know for me, this year has been the most trying and impactful year of my life and 2016 will likely remain in the top three most influential years I will likely encounter in my lifetime. I call this year my year of “Enlightenment” to seeing my Ultimate Reality/Truth. 
But, that’s enough with my personal introduction. Now to the juicy stuff! The purpose behind this blog is to share my personal Health and Wellness Journey back to finding my Mind, Body, & Spirit connection (not my soul, but my spirit- I will be posting later on why I chose spirit). Many people around me, including myself, have been having hard times particularly over the last two years.  I know we are not alone with experiencing hard times, stress, illness(es), dilemmas, and problems in our lives. I want to share my secrets and tools I have found that help me combat the fiery balls of fire life throws at me and how I walk fiercely through the burning flames unscathed. That’s not to say I am superhuman, scars were left but I have continue to survive, become stronger and remain unbroken by whatever tries to harm me.  With my post entries in this blog, I hope to inspire and help others find their inner and outer strength to lead their own personal Health and Wellness Journey in becoming happier and healthier. Maybe some will even reach what I call “Triquetra” (complete synchronization of the Mind, Body, & Spirit ) to find their Ultimate Reality/Truth.  
How did this journey come to pass? Well, there was a ton of negativity surrounding me - my job, people, etc. It got to a point of no return and I knew something had to change. This summer I have gone through a trying and inspiring transformation. I am developing: 
-         a Disciplined Mind
-         True Independence
-         Becoming Healthier (both Mind and Body)
-         Combating my Illnesses
-         Rebuilding and Boosting my Self-Confidence
-        Found Incredible Ways to Cope with Stress and Issues/Problems
-         Stronger Connection to my Intuition
-         Rediscovered Myself  
-        and now leading a more Balanced, Healthier and Happier Life

Even the National Institutes of Health under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services believe in the importance of the mind-body connection; which they say focuses on the “The interactions among the brain, the rest of the body, the mind, and behavior and the ways in which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, experiential, and behavioral factors can directly affect health.”  Continuous research is being conducted to better inform healthcare providers and implement into modern medicine. Check out this link for more: https://report.nih.gov/nihfactsheets/viewfactsheet.aspx?csid=102
Again, this journey has not been easy and it will never be over. But that's the best part! Life is nothing but a journey! It's up to you to design your journey's path! I am loving every moment with no regrets to any of the hard work and effort I have put into it. Living in the moment is my goal everyday! There's not a better feeling than grabbing my life by the horns, taking back control of my life, and redesigning my journey to fit the lifestyle I want to live.

The most crucial key is your MIND. Along the way I will be posting all the essential tools I utilize to build, grow, maintain and strengthen my mind and why the it is the KEY.

My personal journey is by no means the right way or the only way, but simply methods to assist anyone who desires to create their own journey!  I hope you will join me!
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve. – Napoleon Hill

For everyday insights, you can follow me (Mind is Universe) on Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have by commenting below or emailing me at heather@mindisuniverse.com


  1. Great start, this is going to be a great journey in in itself...smile. Can't wait to go along...

  2. Thank you! I am really glad you seem to be as excited as me!
