Tuesday, November 1, 2016

For Body - Plexus

Today I became a Plexus Worldwide Independent Ambassador! I am overjoyed and so blessed to be part of the Plexus Ambassador family. This decision was easy for me. Why? Well, I have been a Preferred Customer of the Plexus Family for over two years.  The Plexus products have done so much in changing my life that I decided I wanted to devote my time fully to helping others. I have always been a die-hard advocate for holistic healing. With Plexus being a Holistic Health and Wellness company, this fit is just too perfect! 

How did Plexus change my life? I was diagnosed with moderate to severe Crohn’s Disease as well as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in 2011.  I was put on a medication called Humira; you have probably seen their commercials on T.V. Nothing else was helping me and, at the time, I felt I had no other choice since none of the holistic approaches I tried worked. However, even with taking Humira, I still suffered mild Crohn’s Disease and IBS symptoms in conjunction with the HORRIBLE side effects of Humira. Previously, I served as a noncommissioned officer (NCO) in the United States Army.  A fellow NCO’s wife, who is a Plexus Ambassador, knew I was still suffering and told me about the benefits of the Plexus products and how their products were made from all natural ingredients. I figured what did I have to lose- they would either work or not. So I went for it.  I ordered the Triplex Combo, which includes the Plexus Slim, ProBio5, and Bio Cleanse. To my surprise all my remaining Crohns and IBS symptoms disappeared! I have been hooked ever since!
My two favorite products currently are Plexus Edge and Plexus BLOCK. Why you might ask? Well, Plexus Edge provides me with the boost of energy I need throughout the day WITHOUT drinking one cup of coffee. I no longer rely on endless cups of coffee to get me through my day AND the best part- NO sugar crashes! Coffee now is simply something I can enjoy because I love it not because I require it. Side note: Additionally, I could not drink alcohol due to severe cramping after consumption as alcohol is an inflammatory. With ProBio5, I can now eat and drink whatever I like without any adverse effects. And for any moms out there that love her wine, we all know this was evolutionary for me. Moms have to admit, most of us run on coffee and wine ;)
For Plexus BLOCK, we all love to eat whatever we want when we want. I mean, hey, we only live once right? Plexus BLOCK contains natural ingredients to work immediately to block the absorption of up to 48% of carbs and sugars from your meal WITHOUT blocking the absorption of any beneficial nutrients. So, that midnight Taco Bell run? GO FOR IT!
I have never found any other products made exclusively from natural ingredients leading to healthier and happier life that ALSO helps in combating so many illnesses, diseases, weight loss and so much more! Don't believe me? Go to Facebook's search engine and type in "plexus and (insert whatever you like)."
I am so grateful for Plexus and I look forward to the new opportunities it may bring to my life!
But wait— some of you might be asking yourself how does this tie into my journey. Plexus is one of my secrets and tools I utilize to heal my body, calm my mind, and strengthen my spirit.  Whether we like it or not, if one of the three is out of whack, it throws off the entire connection. It is important to look inside yourself and decipher your challenges and goals for each element; your mind, body, and spirit individually. Once you have identified some challenges and goals, you would have accomplished the first step to beginning your own health and wellness journey to synchronize the mind, body and spirit!
If you want something you’ve never had, then you you’ve got to do something you’ve never done. -- Unknown

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